
Rates of fees related to dealing with foreigners' affairs and payment details
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Temporary residence and work permit 440 PLN Pay online

Taxpayer Service Centre
of the Capital City Office
of Warsaw
st. Obozowa 57, 01-161 Warsaw
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Temporary residence permit in order to perform work in a profession requiring high qualifications 440 PLN Pay online
Temporary residence permit for the purpose of performing work as part of an intra-corporate transfer and in order to use long-term mobility 440 PLN Pay online
Temporary residence permit due to seasonal work 170 PLN Pay online
Temporary residence permit due to circumstances requiring a short-term stay of a foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland if he/she stays in this territory:    

1. is obliged to appear in person before a Polish public authority.

85 PLN Pay online

2. the foreigner's presence on the territory of the Republic of Poland is required by his exceptional personal situation.

340 PLN Pay online

3. the presence of a foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland is required by the interest of the Republic of Poland.

85 PLN Pay online
Temporary residence permit (other cases) 340 PLN Pay online
Permanent residence permit 640 PLN Pay online
Long-term resident's EU residence permit 640 PLN Pay online
Extension of a national visa 406 PLN Pay online
Entry of the invitation to the register of invitations 27 PLN Pay online
Duplicate decision PLN 5 for each started page  
Changing the residence and work permit 220 PLN Pay online
Decision - granting a cash benefit to the holder of the Pole's Card 10 PLN Pay online
Issuing a certificate 17 PLN Pay online
Extension of the Schengen visa (payment should be made in PLN, converted to the equivalent of EUR into PLN, according to the average exchange rate announced by the European Central Bank for this currency on the last working day preceding the day of submitting the application for visa extension) 30 €  
Residence card - the rate applicable to applications submitted by July 29.07.2022, XNUMX. 
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Issue or replacement of a residence card 50 PLN Pay online

Mazovian Voivodeship Office
Office of Finance Office
pl. Bankowy 3/5
NBP O/O Warsaw
83 1010 1010 0137 1022 3100 0000

Issuance or replacement of a residence card for minors who, on the day of submitting the application for the issue or replacement of the residence card, have not turned 16/secondary school students and students 25 PLN Pay online
Residence card - the rate applicable to applications submitted from July 29.07.2022, XNUMX. 
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Issue or replacement of a residence card 100 PLN Pay online

Mazovian Voivodeship Office
Office of Finance Office
pl. Bankowy 3/5
NBP O/O Warsaw
83 1010 1010 0137 1022 3100 0000

Issuance or replacement of a residence card for minors who, on the day of submitting the application for the issue or replacement of the residence card, have not turned 16/secondary school students and students 50 PLN Pay online
Replacement of the residence card in the event of culpable loss or destruction 200 PLN Pay online
Replacement of the residence card in the event of another culpable loss or destruction 300 PLN Pay online
Documents for foreigners 
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Issuing or replacing a Polish travel document for a foreigner 350 PLN Pay online

Mazovian Voivodeship Office
Office of Finance Office
pl. Bankowy 3/5
NBP O/O Warsaw
83 1010 1010 0137 1022 3100 0000

Issuance or replacement of a Polish travel document for a foreigner for minors who on the day of submitting the application are under 16 years of age/secondary school students and students 175 PLN Pay online
Issuing or replacing a Polish foreigner's identity document 100 PLN Pay online
Issuing or replacing a temporary Polish travel document for a foreigner 50 PLN Pay online
Issuance or replacement of a temporary Polish travel document for a foreigner for minors who on the day of submitting the application are under 16 years of age/secondary school students and students 25 PLN Pay online
Issuance or replacement of a Polish foreigner's identity document for minors who, on the date of submitting the application, have not turned 16/secondary school students and students 50 PLN Pay online
Replacement of a Polish travel document for a foreigner in the event of culpable loss or destruction 700 PLN Pay online
Replacement of a foreigner's Polish identity document in the event of culpable loss or destruction 200 PLN Pay online
Replacement of a Polish travel document for a foreigner in the event of repeated loss or destruction 1050 PLN Pay online
Replacement of a foreigner's Polish identity document in the event of another culpable loss or destruction 300 PLN Pay online
powers of attorney
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Power of attorney 17 PLN Pay online

Taxpayer Service Centre
of the Capital City Office
of Warsaw
st. Obozowa 57, 01-161 Warsaw
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Polish citizenship
Action Stamp duty rate Pay online Payment details
Recognition as a Polish citizen 219 PLN Pay online

Taxpayer Service Centre
of the Capital City Office
of Warsaw
st. Obozowa 57, 01-161 Warsaw
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070
Persons paying stamp duty abroad
should use the additional notation:
IBAN: IBAN(space) 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship 58 PLN Pay online

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