Added: 24.04.2024

Yes. One-time codes for logging into the Inpol system are a permanent system solution and two-stage authorization will be required each time you log in to the system.

Added: 17.04.2024

For all applications that have already been submitted, regardless of the submission path, absolutely DO NOT submit an application generated from the MOS system. This may result in inaccuracies in the deadlines for submitting the application and, consequently, have unfavorable consequences for the Foreigner.

Applications generated in the MOS system are intended to speed up the application registration procedure by Office employees.

Added: 17.04.2024

In accordance with the accepted regulations, an application registered in the InPOL system is required. However, we RECOMMEND that you complete the application in the MOS system and show up with the application with the generated MOS code. This will significantly speed up the registration of the application and thus improve the first stage of the procedure.

Added: 17.04.2024

All information regarding the possibility of booking visits for married couples and children or a foreigner and family members joining him can be found at the link


To meet the needs of families, an application form has been launched at the link https://kontaktwsc.mazowieckie.pl/WSC/index.php/formularz-rodziny-cudzoziemcow
thanks to which you can register your family to submit applications for temporary, permanent and long-term EU resident permits at one time. We register a married couple and children or a foreigner and family members who join him.

Added: 17.04.2024

The validity period is determined by the order in which the application is received. The Office does not take into account the expiry date of the legality of the Foreigner's stay for the priority of registration. The approximate period for which the office will schedule a meeting is in 2-6 weeks. 

Added: 17.04.2024

The form will not be active every day. It will be active until all places for the planned registration period are filled.

The dates for activating the next application form session will be available on the website https://migrant.wsc.mazowieckie.pl/ 

Added: 17.04.2024

No, you should not submit a notification for already submitted applications.

The application form is addressed only to foreigners who did not use alternative methods of submitting an application (post office, office, ePUAP).
We would like to remind you here that if your legal stay in Poland ends and you have not received a deadline for submitting the application in person, you should send the completed application to both MOS and inPOL via the office, by post or via ePUAP.

Added: 01.11.2021

Submission of the application in person preceded by registration of the visit in inPOL Foreigner Portal is the best way to get a stamp in your passport. If the application was sent by traditional mail, in order to meet the formal requirements and receive the stamp, you should wait for a letter/phone call from the local office. During the meeting with the police in the period between the expiry of the visa and the receipt of the stamp in the passport, you can provide, for example, the case number, the date of sending the application to the local office and what kind of application it was. The Police and Border Guard will be able to obtain confirmation of the information provided.

Added: 01.11.2021

Submitting the application in person is the most effective and fastest method of dealing with the issue of residence. A visit with a complete set of required documents may end with the initiation of proceedings and a stamp in the passport. During one visit, the obligation to appear, take fingerprints, initiate proceedings and stamp the passport!

Added: 31.10.2021

The decision on granting a temporary residence permit legalizes your stay in Poland, but it is not a document entitling you to cross the border. With the decision, you can legally leave Poland straight to your country of permanent residence, there will be no possibility of transit, e.g. from Poland through Germany to the country of permanent residence. The residence card together with the passport entitles you to cross borders.
