Extension of a national visa

When should I apply?

Application for extension national visa you submit at the latest on the last day legal stay marked on your visa.

You can extend your national visa if the requirements are met together the following conditions:

  • there is an important professional or personal interest of the foreigner or humanitarian reasons preventing him from leaving the territory of the Republic of Poland before the expiry of the visa or before the end of the allowed period of stay covered by this visa,
  • the events that are the reason for applying for a visa extension occurred independently of the will of the foreigner and were not foreseeable on the day of submitting the visa application,
  • the circumstances of the case do not indicate that the purpose of the foreigner's stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland will be different than declared,
  • there are no circumstances for which a national visa is refused.
A national visa may be extended once, but the period of stay on the basis of an extended national visa may not exceed the period provided for a national visa, i.e. 365 days or 180 days, depending on the type of visa.

The application on behalf of a minor foreigner is submitted by parents or guardians appointed by the court or one of the parents or one of the guardians appointed by the court.

If you submit the application within the indicated period and there are no formal defects in it or you complete the formal defects within the period indicated by us, your stay will be legal from the date of submitting the application to the date on which the decision in your case becomes final.

Please register before submitting your application foreigner's portal InPOL and read the directions for completing the application.

Where to submit the application?

Correctly and completely completed application via foreigner's portal InPOL print and submit at the Department for Foreigners in Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 3/5, stand 21 (take a ticket with the letter "W").

If you are unable to submit the application in person, please send a complete and correctly completed application in paper form by post. You can also submit an application via our office at ul. Marszałkowska 3/5 Warsaw. Documents submitted to the Registration Office are not verified and are not confirmed to be true copies of the originals. The service is available after prior reservation of the date and time e-service portal. By booking an appointment, you accept at the same time registration regulations.

If you submit your application by post or through the application office, you will have to wait for the Office's summons. Then, after receiving the summons, you will be obliged, within the time limit specified in the summons, to present the original documents. During the visit, you can also submit other required documents.

What documents do I need to attach to the application?

Documents needed to initiate the procedure (so-called formal requirements):

  • application in 1 copy, completed in Polish in accordance with the instruction via foreigner's portal InPOL;
  • travel documentvalid for at least 3 months after the period of validity of the visa you want to extend and which contains at least two blank pages and which was issued within the last 10 years - a photocopy of a valid travel document (original available for inspection);
  • 1 photography;

To start the procedure, you will also need confirmation that you have applied stamp duty.

Documents needed to extend the visa:

If the deadline for submitting an application for a national visa extension has been met and the application does not contain any formal defects - you get it in your passport stamp confirming the submission of the application.

If you do not complete the formal deficiencies, your application will remain left unrecognized and proceedings will not be conducted.

However, in the event of removal of formal defects after the expiry of the deadline, and before the authority sends a notification that the application has not been considered, the date of submission of the application should be considered the date of supplementing all formal defects of the application. Completing formal deficiencies after the required date makes it impossible to place a stamp in your passport confirming the submission of an application for a visa extension.

All documents must be submitted in original or certified copy. You can complete the missing documents at our Department, ul. Marszałkowska 3/5 Warsaw, stand 21, ticket with the letter "W". Use the cover letter when sending documents to the Department of Foreigners' Affairs 


National visa extension fee

The fee for extending a national visa is PLN 406,00


You can transfer the payment to the following account:
Taxpayer Service Centre
st. Obozowa 57, 01-161 Warsaw
21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070
"visa extension"

What should I know?

If you need to clarify or clarify the submitted documents, during the proceedings you may be asked for additional, personal explanations at the office.

If the application is submitted after the deadline (during illegal stay) – proceedings are refused on the extension of this visa.

The decision on the extension of the visa is issued immediately after the submission of a complete set of documents. If it is necessary to conduct explanatory proceedings, the decision shall be issued within 30 days from the date of initiation of the proceedings.

Please bring your passport with you to collect your visa.

He serves the party from the negative decision appeal to the Head of the Office for Foreigners - via the Mazowieckie Voivode - within 14 days from the date of its delivery.
During the period for lodging an appeal, the party may waive the right to appeal against the public administration authority that issued the decision.
On the day of delivery to the public administration body of the statement on the waiver of the right to appeal by the last party to the proceedings, the decision becomes final and binding.
If the right to appeal against the decision is waived, there is no right to appeal to the administrative court.

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