Photos undamaged, in color, with good sharpness; dimensions 35mm x 45mm; made not earlier than within 6 months before the date of submission of the application; showing the image of the foreigner's face from the top of the head to the upper part of the shoulders, so that the face occupies 70-80% of the photograph, on a uniform light background, showing a person looking straight ahead with open eyes, uncovered hair, with a natural facial expression and closed mouth, as well as the natural color of his skin; clearly showing the foreigner's eyes, especially the pupils, the line of the foreigner's eyes is parallel to the upper edge of the photograph.
Note: A foreigner wearing a headgear in accordance with the principles of his religion may attach to the application a photograph showing him wearing a headgear, provided that the face image is fully visible. In such a case, the foreigner's statement on belonging to a religious community is attached to the application.