The stay is uninterrupted if a single stay outside Poland was not longer than 6 months at a time and all stays outside Poland did not exceed 10 months in total. This means that your trips outside Poland at the indicated time should not be longer than those described above. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you are employed in a company based in Poland and your trip is related to work (business delegation) or the need to leave spouse/ a parent who works in Poland, such absence in Poland is justified. Similarly, if you study in Poland, but some classes are conducted, for example, at another university, outside of Poland. Also, if the absence in Poland is caused by illness, e.g. hospital stay or other important circumstances, which in total did not exceed 6 months, write about it in your application. If you properly document the described circumstances, your stay may be considered uninterrupted, despite stays abroad longer than 10 months.