Who is the application for?
Applies to persons who want to acquire Polish citizenship by being recognized as repatriates and who meet the conditions indicated in art. 16 of the Repatriation Act.
Please register before submitting your application inPOL foreigner's portal and read the directions for completing the application.
Conditions I must meet
Pursuant to Art. 16 of the current Act of 9 November 2000 on repatriation, a person who meets all of the following conditions may be considered a repatriate:
- jest of Polish descent;
- before 1 January 2001 permanently resided in the territory of the present-day Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Asian part of the Russian Federation;
- the circumstances referred to in Art. 10a;
- stayed on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of the permit referred to in Art. 144 of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners or the right of residence to which she is entitled in connection with pursuing studies, referred to in Art. 16 sec. 1 point 3 of the Act of 14 July 2006 on entering, staying and leaving the territory of the Republic of Poland for citizens of the European Union Member States and their family members;
- submits an application to the voivode within 12 months from the date of graduation from higher education.
- jest of Polish descent;
- before 1 January 2001 permanently resided in the territory of the present-day Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Asian part of the Russian Federation;
- the circumstances referred to in Art. 10a;
- stayed on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit or a permit to settle, or the right of permanent residence;
- has in the Republic of Poland source of income and legal title to occupy a dwelling.
- obtained a residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Poland as a spouse repatriate;
- the circumstances referred to in Art. 10a;
- has in the Republic of Poland source of income and legal title to occupy a dwelling.
- The validity of your passport or travel document and residence card cannot be shorter than 3 months at the time of submitting the application;
- data contained in Polish civil status records, residence card and foreign passport should be uniform. The data appearing in Polish civil status records must be uniform;
- when completing the application for recognition as a repatriate, you use the personal data that appear in the copies of civil status records issued by the Polish Registry Office;
- documents drawn up in a foreign language are submitted together with their translation into Polish prepared or certified by Polish sworn translator and/ or Polish consul;
- in the course of the proceedings, the authority is entitled to request you to submit additional documents or information necessary to clarify the facts in detail;
- submitted documents are not returnable;
- you acquire Polish citizenship on the day on which the decision to recognize you as a repatriate has become final;
- if you have Pole's Card, then at the time of receipt of the document confirming the acquisition of Polish citizenship by way of recognition as a repatriate, you are obliged to return it. On the day of issuing the document confirming the acquisition of Polish citizenship, the Pole's Card loses its validity by operation of law.
What documents do I have to submit?
When applying for recognition as a repatriate, you submit:
- application drawn up in Polish on officially specified form (1 piece.);
- biometric photo (1 piece.);
- your resume;
- abridged or complete copy of your birth certificate published by Polish Registry Office based on Polish registers of civil status, containing names and surnames, date and place of birth, father's name and surname, and mother's name and, if possible, maiden name;
- an abbreviated or full copy of your marriage certificate - not older than 3 months - issued by the Polish Registry Office on the basis of Polish registry books, provided that you are or have been married. If the marriage has ended as a result of divorce, you attach a copy of the marriage certificate with a mention of the divorce; if the marriage ended as a result of the spouse's death, you must submit a copy of the marriage certificate containing a mention of this fact;
- page of your valid foreign passport with personal details, travel document or ID card confirming your identity and citizenship;
- your valid residence card issued by the Mazowieckie Voivode. If you have a residence card issued by another voivode, then before submitting an application for recognition as a repatriate, it is necessary to exchange it for a residence card issued by the Mazowieckie Voivode;
- a decision authorizing your stay in Poland, issued by a competent authority;
- your statement that the circumstances referred to in art. 10a of the Act;
- decision to issue you Pole cardsif you are/were the holder of this document.
If you apply for recognition as a repatriate pursuant to Art. 16 sec. 1 of the Act (XNUMXst CASE), then you additionally attach:
- the decision of the Polish consul to recognize you as a person of Polish descent. If you do not have such a decision, you must attach to the case files an application addressed to the locally competent consul to recognize you as a person of Polish descent, as well as documents confirming your Polish roots. These documents are submitted to the consul competent for your last place of permanent residence abroad in order to issue a decision on recognizing you as a person of Polish descent;
- a certificate issued by a university in Poland confirming that you were educated on the basis of the regulations on taking up and pursuing studies by persons who are not Polish citizens;
- a copy of your higher education diploma in Poland;
- documents confirming the fact of your permanent residence before 1 January 2001 in the territory of the present Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Asian part of the Russian Federation.
If you apply for recognition as a repatriate pursuant to Art. 16 sec. 2 of the Act (XNUMXnd CASE), then you additionally attach:
- the decision of the Polish consul to recognize you as a person of Polish descent. If you do not have such a decision, you attach to the case files an application addressed to the locally competent consul to recognize you as a person of Polish descent, as well as documents confirming your Polish roots. These documents are submitted to the consul competent for your last place of permanent residence abroad in order to issue a decision on recognizing you as a person of Polish descent;
- documents confirming the fact of your permanent residence before 1 January 2001 in the territory of the present Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Asian part of the Russian Federation;
- documents that prove yours livelihoods in Poland;
- supporting document legal title to occupy a dwelling.
If you apply for recognition as a repatriate pursuant to Art. 16 sec. 2A of the Act (III CASE), then you additionally attach:
- documents that prove yours livelihoods in Poland;
- supporting document legal title to occupy a dwelling.
Where to submit the application?
At the seat of the Office:
in the Department of Foreigners
Citizenship and Repatriation Branch
st. Marszałkowska 3/5, room A2, stand no. 20
opening hours: Monday: 10.00 - 17.30, Tuesday - Friday: 8.00 - 15.00.
You can submit an application for recognition as a repatriate in person at the Citizenship and Repatriation Department of the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office in Warsaw only after prior appointment for a specific day and time via alien portal. You will get to room A2 when you enter the Office and go through the corridor on the right. You go up the nearest staircase and head to the first floor.
At the Registry Office:
street Marszałkowska 3/5, ground floor
opening hours: Monday: 10.00 - 17.30, Tuesday - Friday: 8.00 - 15.00.
Documents submitted to the Registry Office are not verified and are not certified as true copies of the original.
The service is available after prior reservation of the date and time e-service portal.
By booking an appointment, you accept at the same time registration regulations.
At the Customer Service Point:
pl. Bankowy 3/5, entrance F (from al. Solidarności)
office hours: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 16.00.
Documents submitted to the Customer Service Point are not verified and are not certified as true copies of the original.
- WSC customer service is provided solely on the basis of a number collected from a ticket machine or an online visit booking.
- there is a daily limit - 100 numbers issued by the ticket machine for number C - correspondence submitted in person to the Department of Foreigners' Affairs. You can submit up to 8 cases per number.
- Online reservations for visits are available on the website www.e-uslugi.mazowieckie.pl. Since September this year, online visits for number C can be scheduled every 15 minutes. Up to 8 cases can be submitted during one visit.
By post to:
Mazovian Voivodship Office in Warsaw
Foreigners Affairs Department
Citizenship and Repatriation Branch
st. Marszałkowska 3/5, 00-624 Warsaw.
Documents sent by post must be certified as true copies by Polish notary and/ or Polish consul.
What fees do I have to pay?
- The decision on recognition as a repatriate is not subject to stamp duty;
- the power of attorney submitted on the acquisition of Polish citizenship by way of repatriation is also not subject to stamp duty [cf. article 2 sec. 1 point 1 lit. i) the applicable act of 16 November 2006 on stamp duty].
How long will I wait for a decision?
Before issuing a decision in the case, the Office requests the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Director of the Regional Office of the Internal Security Agency, and - if necessary - other institutions and bodies for information about the person applying for the issuance of decisions relevant to the proceedings. The authorities reply within 30 days, but in some cases this period is extended to 3 months.
However, pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure, public administration bodies settle matters without undue delay. Settlement of a case requiring explanatory proceedings should take place no later than within a month, and a particularly complicated case - no later than within 2 months from the date of initiation of the proceedings. The time limits set out in these provisions do not include the time limits provided for in the law for performing specific activities, periods of suspension of proceedings, the duration of mediation and periods of delays caused by your fault or for reasons beyond the control of the authority.
AAdditional Information
Legal basis:
• Act of 9 November 2000 on repatriation (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1105).
• Regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 19 June 2018 on the model application form for recognition as a repatriate and the requirements for documents attached to the application (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1199).
If you have additional questions, please contact us via contact form.