
InPol – technical break


We inform you that od April 22.04.2024, 18, from 00:23.04.2024 until April 13, 00, until XNUMX:XNUMX p.m, there will be a technical break in the functioning of the InPol Foreigner Portal.

We apologize for inconveniences!

On April 22, 2024, another registration session will be launched via the application form for submitting an application for temporary residence at the Department of Foreigners' Affairs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw.


Remember when filling out application form  In accordance with the WSC registration regulations, please indicate the identification number of the application completed in the system MOS  and in the system inPOL 

To make a reservation, you must complete the application in the MOS and inPOL systems!

If you complete the form correctly, you will receive automatic information regarding the submitted application.

Change in the registration method for submitting an application for temporary residence - from April 12.04.2024, XNUMX


From April 12, 2024, we are changing the registration formula used to arrange the submission of a temporary residence application.

To book an appointment at the office - complete the application form below and indicate your name in it mandatory in accordance with the WSC registration regulations, the identification number of the application completed in the system MOS and in the system inPOL

To make a reservation, it is necessary to complete the application in the MOS and inPOL systems.

Extension of the suspension of deadlines for settling matters related to the legalization of stay until September 30, 2025 (Article 100d(1))


Extension of the suspension of deadlines for settling matters related to the legalization of stay until September 30, 2025 (Article 100d(1))

Changes regarding the extension of the suspension of deadlines for settling matters related to the legalization of stay until September 30, 2025 are specified in the Act of May 15, 2024 amending the Act on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with an armed conflict on the territory of this country and certain other acts. The regulations enter into force on July 1, 2024.

Extension of the period of legal stay of Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection until June 30, 2024.


The legal stay of Ukrainian citizens (and certain members of their families) who came to Poland in connection with hostilities conducted on the territory of Ukraine from February 24, 2022, has been extended until June 30, 2024 The act amending the current regulations was announced in the Journal of Laws and entered into force on February 22 this year.

Moreover, the legal provisions contained in Art. 2 section 10 and 11 of the above-mentioned Act, which additionally extend the period of stay considered legal:

Suspension of the chat on the website of the Department of Foreigners' Affairs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw


We would like to inform you that for technical reasons, from January 22, 2024, the chat service on the website of the Department of Foreigners' Affairs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw is suspended until further notice. We apologize for inconveniences.

Cash benefits for holders of the Pole's Card - announcement


We would like to inform you that on January 15, 2024, the Minister of the Interior and Administration announced in the Public Information Bulletin that the processing of applications for cash benefits with a payment date falling in a given year is suspended until the funds for their payment are secured in the Budget Act. Therefore, pursuant to Art. 24 c section 2 Act of September 7, 2007 on the Pole's Card (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2023, item 192, as amended).

A new template for an application for entering an invitation into the register


From May 5, 2023, a new application template for entering an invitation into the register of invitations has been in force. The current form is specified in the regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration.

The new regulation only changes the template of the application for entering the invitation in the register of invitations. The template of the invitation itself, as well as the wording of the provisions regulating the amount of funds that the inviter should have, will remain unchanged in relation to the current legal status.

The application form can be downloaded below.

Legal basis

Temporary residence permits for Ukrainian citizens with a PESEL UKR number working and running a business in Poland


If you came to Poland in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine and you have a PESEL number with UKR status and you intend to stay in Poland for more than 3 months and the main purpose of your stay in Poland is:

  • doing work
  • running a business
  • performing work in a profession requiring high qualifications

from April 1, 2023 you can apply for:

Дія пл (


mCitizen and document Дія пл - це простий спосіб ідентифікувати себе (показати дані) практично в кожній життівій situa. - an electronic document issued to citizens of Ukraine who crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border after February 24, 2022 has been added to the catalog of residence documents. Together with a valid travel document (e.g. passport), it entitles you to cross Polish borders. It also enables free movement within the Schengen area.
