
Information Saturdays at the Department of Foreigners' Affairs from June 8, 2024


As part of Project No. FAMI.02.01-IZ.00-0013/24 titled "Foreigner in Mazovia" co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for 2021-2027, the Department of Foreigners' Affairs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw begins the implementation of a new series of Information Saturdays on June 8, 2024.

InPol – technical break


We inform you that April 26, 2024, from 16:30 to 19:00, there will be a technical break in the functioning of the InPol Foreigner Portal.

We apologize for inconveniences!

Additional, two-step confirmation of access to the InPOL Foreigner Portal


We would like to inform you that additional security has been introduced on the Foreigner's inPOL portal, consisting of two-stage access confirmation.

Currently, logging into the system requires additional authentication by entering the token received at the email address to which the profile was registered on the portal.

After logging in to the foreigner's profile, you can change the login authorization form to telephone authorization by checking the appropriate box.
