
Are you a foreigner? Have you changed your address? Let us know



Are you a foreigner? Have you changed your address? Let us know

Every fourth letter sent by the Department of Foreigners' Affairs is returned to the office due to non-delivery or non-collection. This amounts to approximately 3,5 thousand documents per month. This extends the time it takes to issue a decision. Don't let this happen. Are you a foreigner? Have you changed your address? Inform them about it.

Use a cover letter when sending documents to the Department of Foreigners' Affairs.




Cash benefits for holders of the Pole's Card - announcement


We would like to inform you that on January 15, 2024, the Minister of the Interior and Administration announced in the Public Information Bulletin that the processing of applications for cash benefits with a payment date falling in a given year is suspended until the funds for their payment are secured in the Budget Act. Therefore, pursuant to Art. 24 c section 2 Act of September 7, 2007 on the Pole's Card (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2023, item 192, as amended).
