Dictionary of concepts

A sworn translator is a person who has the right to practice as a sworn translator confirmed by a certificate issued by the Polish Minister of Justice. A Polish sworn translator prepares and certifies translations from a foreign language into Polish and from Polish into a foreign language, and also checks and certifies translations prepared by other persons. He also does interpreting. The list of sworn translators can be found at website of the Ministry of Justice.

A document issued upon request to a foreigner who does not have one passport and it is not possible to obtain a new passport if he intends to leave the territory of Poland or has stayed obliged to leave this territory. The document is issued for a period of 7 days.

A document that entitles you to stay on the territory of Poland or another country UE eg. visa, permit for stay or valid passport country whose nationals have the right to enter and reside in visa-free travel on the territory of Poland.

The document you must attach to your application long-term resident's EU residence permit. It confirms your right to occupy a given dwelling. Documents confirming the legal title to the premises are: lease agreement, ownership deed, allocation of cooperative premises, lending agreement, if the lender is descendant, preliminary, spouse, parents of a spouse or siblings of a foreigner.

A document that gives you the right to occupy a given apartment, e.g. a lease agreement, a lending agreement, an apartment ownership deed, a current excerpt from the land and mortgage register, the allocation of a cooperative apartment.

This is an obligatory criterion, which assumes that a given person must not only occupy a specific premises (i.e. physically stay in it), but also be obliged to have a legal title to it. A document confirming the legal title to occupy a dwelling is, for example, a current lease agreement, a flat ownership deed or a lending agreement (in the case of a lending lease agreement, a notarial deed regarding the lent flat is attached. The lending agreement is concluded between ascendants, descendants or siblings).