The minimum amount of funds you must have to cover your living costs for the entire period of your stay in Poland due to volunteering, after deducting the costs of travel back to your country of origin and housing costs. If you are staying in Poland alone, the minimum amount is PLN 776 for each month of your stay + the cost of travel back to your country of origin and housing costs for each month of your stay.
The minimum amount of funds you must have to cover your living costs for the entire period of your stay in Poland for the purpose of your studies, after deducting the costs of your return trip to your country of origin and your housing costs. If you are staying in Poland alone, the minimum amount is PLN 776 for each month of your stay + the cost of your return trip to your country of origin and your housing costs for each month of your stay.
A sworn translator is a person who has the right to practice as a sworn translator confirmed by a certificate issued by the Polish Minister of Justice. A Polish sworn translator prepares and certifies translations from a foreign language into Polish and from Polish into a foreign language, and also checks and certifies translations prepared by other persons. He also does interpreting.
It is a legally regulated permanent relationship between a man and a woman, in which the spouses have equal rights and obligations. They are obliged to live together, to help each other and be faithful, and to cooperate for the good of the family they have established through their union.
He is a lawyer appointed by the Polish Minister of Justice who runs his own office, a person of public trust and a public official. Notarial acts performed by a notary public are official documents. A notary may draw up notarial deeds, officially confirm the authenticity of a signature, certify the compliance of a presented copy of a document with its original, write down protocols, prepare extracts, copies and excerpts of documents, draft acts, statements and other documents. A Polish notary performs actions in Polish.
You should leave the territory of Poland no later than on the last day:
If the proceedings have been suspended at your request, you can file a motion to resume them at any time. It does not require any special justification. It is enough to write that the suspended proceedings may be resumed. If you have changed your correspondence address, please let us know. You have 3 years to file a motion to resume the proceedings. The deadline is counted from the date suspension of the proceedings. If you do not do this, we will assume that you withdraw your application and the proceedings will be terminated.
This is a person who is not a citizen of the European Union.
The Schengen area countries include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland (the last 4 are Schengen countries and are not part of the EU). Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania are EU Member States that are not part of the Schengen area.
A written statement authorizing a designated person to obtain information on the status and progress of your case. The scope of the authorization covers only access to information. Therefore, it should not be equated with power of attorney.