Dictionary of concepts

Fixed and regular income. These are the minimum amounts you earn on a regular basis, which you must show if you are applying for certain types of residence permits. If you are staying in Poland alone, the minimum amount is PLN 776 net per month. For a family member, this amount is at least PLN 600 net per month. Documents confirming a permanent and regular income are, for example, an employment contract, income certificate, tax return submitted for the previous calendar year or a statement on the amount of income earned. Income must come from a legitimate source. The requirement applies to permits for: temporary residence and work (only applications submitted from 01.01.2021/28.01.2022/31.12.2020 to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX), stay due to business activity, family reunion, selected other circumstances, seasonal work, stay of a posted worker, stay of a long-term EU resident, permanent residence for a UK citizen delegated by a foreign employer to work in Poland until XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX.

This is a current and legal title to raise funds in Poland, which must be unchanged for a longer period, i.e. at least for the last 3 months. Acquiring funds must be repeated at regular intervals and come from a specific source in the Republic of Poland. Documents confirming stable and regular sources of income in Poland are, for example, a certificate of employment with the amount of remuneration together with a current employment contract and PIT settlement for the previous year. In the case of contracts concluded for a short period, it is the RMUA report together with the contracts and PIT settlement for the previous year. An appropriate document is also a certificate from the commune office on the possession of a farm with its size in conversion hectares, and in the case of running a business, these are accounting documents, which show that the business activity brings income together with PIT settlement for the previous year, etc.

A form of higher education, taking place in the day system, i.e. from Monday to Friday.

A type of residence permit granted to foreigners who, for fear of being persecuted, e.g. because of race, religion, nationality or political views, cannot or do not want to take advantage of the protection of their home country. In Poland, refugee status is granted by Head of the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw.

You will receive a stamp in your passport if you have submitted your application for a residence permit/visa extension in Poland within the period legal stay and the application did not include formal deficiencies. It confirms the submission of the application and yours legal stay in Poland during the proceedings on the legalization of stay. The stamp does not entitle you to enter the territory of Poland or travel to the countries of the Schengen area.

The Schengen area is a European area where border control at internal borders has been abolished. It includes 27 countries, including all countries belonging to the European Union, except for: Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus. In addition, the Schengen area also includes countries that have not joined the European Union, i.e. Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Exceptional, unusual circumstances, events related to you, e.g. illness, random events.