Dictionary of concepts

You should leave the territory of Poland no later than on the last day:

  • your importance visasif you haven't submitted request for its extension
  • validity of your temporary residence card, if you have not submitted an application for a new temporary residence permit
  • stay in visa-free trafficif you are entitled to it
  • validity another residence permit e.g. a residence card issued by another Schengen country, while maintaining the conditions of stay on this document
  • 14-day period to submit cancellations od negative decision regarding your application for stay, if you have resigned from the right to appeal and you do not have another valid document entitling you to stay in Poland
If you have appealed against a negative decision, you should leave the territory of Poland within 30 days from the date on which the decision of the second instance authority was delivered to you.

If you do not leave Poland voluntarily, you may receive a decision on obligation to leave the country and a ban on re-entry to Poland and the Schengen area.

This is a person who is not a citizen of the European Union.

Citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom national) means a citizen of the United Kingdom within the meaning of the declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of 31 December 1982 on the definition of the term "citizens" (Journal of Laws EU C 23 of 28.01.1983, p. 1) and declaration no. 63 of the Intergovernmental Conference attached to the Final Act, which adopted the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, signed on December 13, 2007 (Official Journal EU C 306 of 17.12.2007, p. 270).

According to these declarations, a "UK national" is:

  • British citizen (and British Citizen), excluding those in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man* (the Channel Islands and Isle of Man),
  • stateless subject of the British Crown with right of abode (a British Subject with a right toabode) - residence status that is no longer granted,
  • British Overseas Territories national with ties to Gibraltar (British OverseasTerritories Citizen with a connection to Gibraltar).

As a rule, a UK citizen is a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement if he used the right of residence in a Member State in accordance with EU law before the end of the transition period (until the end of 2020) and then continues to reside there or if he used the rights of frontier workers in in one or more Member States in accordance with Union law before the end of the transition period and continue to use them thereafter.

* the entitlement of holders of passports issued by the Bailiwick of Jersey (as well as the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Isle of Man) depends on whether the passport contains a note stating that the passport holder is not entitled to benefit from EU employment or business regulations as follows: THE HOLDER IS NOT ENTITLED TO BENEFIT FROM EU PROVISIONS RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT OR ESTABLISHMENT.” The lack of such an annotation means that the passport holder is covered by the legal solutions that apply in connection with the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU.

Type of residence permit granted to foreigners who have not received it refugee status and if returned to their country, they would be at real risk of the death penalty, execution, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, serious threat to life or health resulting from the widespread use of violence against civilians in a situation of internal or international armed conflict. Subsidiary protection is provided by Head of the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw.

Fingerprints collected when applying for temporary residence permit/permanent residence/long-term resident of the EU/replacement of the residence card/a residence card for a family member of an EU citizen/permanent residence card for a family member of an EU citizenfrom foreigners over 6 years of age. From 01.01.2021, this requirement also applies to applications submitted by UK citizens and family members of UK citizens. This is one of the so-called formal requirementsthe absence of which precludes the commencement of the proceedings. Fingerprints are collected when the application is accepted if you submit it in person. When you send an application post office, you will have to come to the office to complete them. Fingerprints are taken using an electronic fingerprinting device. The downloaded data is stored in residence cardwhich you will receive after obtaining a residence permit and are used to identify the holder. Submission of fingerprints by persons over 6 years of age is a necessary activity initiation of proceedings.


Otherwise, refusal to consider your application. A decision ending the proceedings in the case, which may be issued in cases specified by law, e.g. when you are not entitled to submit an application. Refusal to initiate proceedings is issued in the form provisionsto which it is entitled complaint. In justification provisions we will explain why your application will not be considered.

Current document issued by registry office i.e. not earlier than 3 months before submitting the application, confirming the conclusion of marriage. In case of civil status records issued outside of Poland, it will also be necessary to submit sworn translations this document.

It should be remembered that in the case of citizens of states - members of the Convention on the abolition of the requirement of legalization of foreign public documents, drawn up in The Hague on October 5, 1961. a photocopy of the foreign deed with the apostille clause should be attached to the application for temporary residence together with a translation into Polish made by a Polish sworn translator, and the original is available for inspection.
Otherwise, submit a photocopy of the act legalized by the Consul of the Republic of Poland after prior authentication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country of origin, together with a translation of the document into Polish by a Polish sworn translator, and present the original for inspection.

Objection to decision office with which you disagree. You have 14 days from the receipt of the decision to appeal. You submit your appeal in writing, your signature is required. Filing an appeal within the time limit suspends the execution of the decision, which means that your case will not be concluded until it is considered.

Period of stay in Poland based on visas and/ or temporary residence permitissued in order to take up or continue education on the territory of Poland in a form other than full-time studies.

Period of stay in Poland based on visas and/ or temporary residence permit, issued for the purpose of taking up or continuing full-time studies.

A child whose parents are unknown or who stays in Poland without parents and needs a guardian who will represent his interests, e.g. in offices. The guardian is appointed by the guardianship court.

Fees for submitting an application, granting a permit and other official activities. The amount of the fee is determined by regulations. Information about the required fee can be found on our website. For the release residence cards a fee is also charged (the amount of PLN 100 or PLN 50, depending on the decision issued).

A legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which the law grants legal capacity, where the internship takes place, having its registered office in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The internship organizer must be approved by the minister responsible for internal affairs.

A document that is not a copy. Sometimes the regulations allow you to submit a copy of the document instead of the original, but then the copy should be certified (confirmed to be true to the original). A copy of the document may be authenticated by an employee of the office that accepts the document, then it is stamped and signed accordingly. Authentication can also be performed by, for example, a notary public, as well as a legal adviser/lawyer, if he is yours proxy.

A visit to the office required when applying for a grant temporary residence permitpermanent residencelong-term resident of the EU/ issuing-replacement of a residence carda residence card for a family member of an EU citizenpermanent residence card for a family member of an EU citizenfor an extension of the visa-free stay / in cases for issuing a document to an EU citizen. From January 1.01.2021, XNUMX, this requirement also applies to applications submitted by UK citizens and family members of UK citizens. Do not forget to bring an important one to your visit passportwhich is used to confirm your identity. We will also download during your visit fingerprints. There is no personal appearance formal lackwhich makes it impossible to process your application.



A document that along with a valid residence title eg. visa entitles citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine to exercise legal work in Poland, under the conditions specified therein. The declaration of entrusting work is registered by employer at the district employment office. The period of performing work on the basis of the declaration may not exceed a total of 6 months in the following 12 months, regardless of the number of employers.

A child is any person under the age of 18. The acquisition of Polish citizenship by a child is a consequence of the acquisition of Polish citizenship by his parents or one of them. If one of the parents applies to the President of the Republic of Poland for Polish citizenship, the child who remains under his parental authority may acquire Polish citizenship together with that parent, provided that the other parent (provided he also has parental authority over the child) ) submits a declaration of consent to granting the child Polish citizenship in an appropriate manner to the competent authority. However, if the child is 16 years of age, Polish citizenship may be granted to the child with the consent of the child submitted to the competent authority by way of such a declaration.

A child is any person under the age of 18. The loss of Polish citizenship by a child results from the loss of Polish citizenship by his parents or one of them. If one of the parents applies to the President of the Republic of Poland for the loss of Polish citizenship, then the child who remains under his parental authority may lose Polish citizenship together with that parent, provided that the other parent (if he also has parental authority over the child) ) submits a declaration of consent to the loss of Polish citizenship by the child in an appropriate manner before the competent authority. However, if the child is over 16 years of age, the loss of Polish citizenship may take place with the consent of the child submitted to the competent authority by way of such a declaration.

A child is any person under the age of 18. The acquisition of Polish citizenship by a child is a consequence of the acquisition of Polish citizenship by his parents or one of them. If one of the parents applies for recognition as a Polish citizen, the child who remains under his/her parental authority may acquire Polish citizenship together with that parent, provided that the other parent (if he/she also has parental authority over the child) submits before the competent authority, in an appropriate manner, a statement of consent to recognize the child as a Polish citizen. However, if the child is over 16 years of age, he or she may be recognized as a Polish citizen with the child's consent submitted to the competent authority by way of such a declaration.

A written statement in which the internship organizer undertakes to bear the costs related to the issuance and execution of the decision on commitment to returnif such a decision was issued and implemented within 6 months from the date of expiry of the internship agreement, and the basis for issuing this decision was your illegal stay on the territory of Poland.