EU Blue Card

Performance of work by a foreigner with competences confirmed by higher professional qualifications who, regardless of the legal relationship between the parties, performs work for or under the direction of another person for remuneration.

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You should leave the territory of Poland no later than on the last day:

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If the proceedings have been suspended at your request, you can file a motion to resume them at any time. It does not require any special justification. It is enough to write that the suspended proceedings may be resumed. If you have changed your correspondence address, please let us know. You have 3 years to file a motion to resume the proceedings. The deadline is counted from the date suspension of the proceedings. If you do not do this, we will assume that you withdraw your application and the proceedings will be terminated.

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A document confirming your tax return in a given tax year, submitted to the relevant tax office.

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Additional form for the application for granting temporary residence permitwhich you must submit if the purpose of your stay in Poland is to perform work, perform work in a profession requiring high qualifications, or run a business. Appendix No. 1 to the application for granting temporary residence permit completes and signs yours employer.

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Full or limited access to the labor market in Poland depends on the document you have that allows you to stay in Poland. If you have visa with the right to work, you can work on the basis of a registered one declarations on entrusting work or important work permits. The conditions of performing work must coincide with the conditions set out in your permits, i.e.

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Suspension of processing your application, e.g. if you leave Poland for a few months, you can request that the procedure be suspended and continued after your return to Poland. Fold then request for suspension. The suspension of the proceedings takes the form provisionsto which it is entitled complaint. During the period of suspension of the proceedings at your request, you will not have a legalized stay due to the duration of the procedure legalizing your stay.

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It is possible to arrange a visit to the office via inPOL Foreigner Portal.

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Documents we can't do without initiate proceedingsi.e. consider your application, e.g. completed and signed application form, Photosoriginal shown passport etc. You must complete them to get a stamp in your passport. The formal assessment of the application is the initial stage of the entire procedure, then we check the documents you have submitted.

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