Dictionary of concepts

A document issued after your application has been processed. You will receive a positive decision if you meet the conditions for granting the permit. In this decision, we will specify the conditions and period of your stay in Poland. You will receive a negative decision if you do not meet the conditions for granting the permit. In the decision, we will explain why you have not received a positive decision. In certain cases, e.g. at your request, we will issue a decision on discontinuance of proceedings. This decision will end the processing of your application without assessing whether the conditions for granting the permit have been met. We send the decision to the address provided by you address residence or address proxyyou have designated. From every decision you can cancel.

If you are staying in Poland alone, the minimum amount is PLN 1010 net per month. If you are staying in Poland with family memberswho are dependent on you and drive with you common household, you must have funds in the amount of at least PLN 823 net per month for yourself and each person family member.

A document showing that you stayed in Poland; these can be e.g. PIT, employment certificates, employment contracts, etc.

A UK citizen can prove his citizenship in several ways. This is because they can be obtained in several ways, i.e. through birth, descent, registration or naturalization. The list below presents a catalog of accepted proofs of citizenship prepared by the Office for Foreigners in consultation with the Home Office:

British citizens (excluding those from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (the Channel Islands and Isle of Man):

  • British national passport issued by HMPO (Her Majesty's Passport Office, formerly UKPA) or CSRO (Civil Status and Registration Office) Gibraltar


  • naturalization certificate,
  • registration certificate,
  • Birth certificate showing birth in the UK before 1 January 1983,
  • A birth certificate showing you were born in the UK after 1 January 1983. and proof that the parent* was settled in the UK or was a British citizen at the time,
  • Proof of birth outside the UK where the parent was born in the UK
  • Foreign passport with a certificate of entitlement to the right of residence under Section 2(1) 1971 lit. a) the Immigration Act 2. (certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode under section 1(1971)(a) of the Immigration Act XNUMX)

British Overseas Territories citizens who derive their nationality from a connection to Gibraltar

  • British Overseas Territories Citizen's passport with the word "Gibraltar" on the cover, issued by CSRO


  • Certificate of Naturalization or Registration as BOTC (British Overseas Citizens) from Gibraltar,
  • Birth certificate showing birth in Gibraltar before 1 January 1983,
  • Birth certificate showing birth in Gibraltar after 1 January 1983. and proof that the parent was resident in Gibraltar or was a British Overseas Territories citizen at that time;
  • Proof of birth outside Gibraltar where the parent was born in Gibraltar

Stateless subjects of the British Crown who are entitled to reside under section 2 of the UK Immigration Act 1971. 

  • British Crown stateless person's passport with certificate of entitlement to reside, issued by HMPO              

An official/government document that proves your personal details and appearance, e.g. passport, residence card.

A document that you will need to submit to prove that one of the permit conditions has been met. Such a document is a deed of ownership of the premises, a lease agreement, a statement of the person authorized to manage the dwelling (the owner) on the provision of residence,  confirmation of registration, employer's statement about providing you with accommodation. These documents must include your name, address and period of residence. If you submit an employer's statement on providing you with a place to live together with the lease agreement concluded between the employer and the owner of the premises, make sure that it does not contain a point regarding the impossibility of subletting the premises to third parties.


There is a catalog of such documents in Polish regulations. These are not the only documents you can provide. These are documents issued by Polish state or church authorities, as well as by the authorities of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, concerning you or your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents, in particular:

  • Polish identity documents,
  • civil status records or their copies or baptism certificates confirming the relationship with Polishness;
  • documents confirming military service in the Polish Army, containing an entry informing about Polish nationality;
  • documents confirming the fact of deportation or imprisonment, containing an entry informing about Polish nationality;
  • identity documents or other official documents containing an entry informing about Polish nationality;
  • documents on the rehabilitation of the deported person containing an entry informing about his or her Polish nationality;
  • documents confirming the persecution of a person due to their Polish origin.

According to Art. 6 sec. 1 of the Act on Repatriation, evidence confirming Polish origin may be documents issued by Polish state or church authorities, as well as by the authorities of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, concerning a foreigner or his parents, grandparents or great-grandparents, in particular:

  • Polish identity documents;
  • civil status records or their copies or baptism certificates confirming the relationship with Polishness;
  • documents confirming military service in the Polish Army, containing an entry informing about Polish nationality;
  • documents confirming the fact of deportation or imprisonment, containing an entry informing about Polish nationality;
  • identity documents or other official documents containing an entry informing about Polish nationality.

According to Art. 6 sec. 2 of the Act on repatriation, evidence confirming Polish origin may also be other documents, in particular:

  • on the rehabilitation of the deported person, containing an entry informing about his Polish nationality;
  • confirming the persecution of a person due to their Polish origin.

annotation w residence cardwhich we will place if you are entitled to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland or you are exempt from the obligation to have one work permits. This annotation does not mean that you have full access to the Polish labor market, it may be limited access, e.g. if you have received it temporary residence and work permityou can work with a specific one employer and in a specific position as defined in decision.

copy decision confirmed for compliance with the original, issued to yours written request upon payment stamp duty (PLN 5 for each side of the decision).

Gainful activity, performed in an organized and continuous manner, after being registered in the relevant register CEIDG and/ or KRS.