- Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2354, as amended),
- Act of December 17, 2021. amending the act on foreigners and some other acts (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 91)
- Act of 14 July 2006 on entering, staying and leaving the territory of the Republic of Poland for citizens of the European Union Member States and their family members (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1697, as amended),
- Act of September 7, 2007. on the Pole's Card (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 192),
- Act of 9 November 2000 on repatriation (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1105),
- Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion and labor market institutions (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 690),
- Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2000, as amended),
- Act of November 16, 2006. on stamp duty (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2142),
- Act of March 12, 2004. on social assistance (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2268),
- Act of March 2, 2020. on special solutions related to the prevention, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2095)
- Act of 2 April 2009 on Polish citizenship (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 465, as amended)